English-speaking doctors in Paris

View English-speaking doctors in Paris in a larger map

Pinned on this map of Paris are:

  • Approximately 200 English-speaking doctors (ranked by specialty and by alphabetical order)
  • Hospitals in Paris (including hospitals with English-speaking staff)
  • Pharmacies in Paris with English-speaking staff
  • Important emergency numbers

Need a complete list of all of these markers, with names, addresses, phone numbers and medical specialities? It’s all available on this larger map and list of English-speaking doctors in Paris (click and on the following page, scroll down the list on the left).

Feel free to contact me for further information or requests.

Most of the information is up-to-date and accurate. Healthcare professionals should contact me directly to notify me of any changes in address, telephone number, email, website.

The list of doctors is a compilation of health care information provided by the American, Canadian, British, Australian embassies in Paris and my own professional network.